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Blog – Hint and Tips

29Jun Shaping Rooms with Light

Shaping Rooms with Light

Most of us prefer to live in homes with a lot of natural light that shines through all day. However, not all homes are blessed with good lighting. Some have small windows, not enough windows, or can be in a [...]

20Apr 10 home decor ideas to keep you occupied during lockdown

10 home decor ideas to keep you occupied during lockdown

Now that spring is here, the much-welcomed extra sunshine might be shining a light on some of the less-polished parts of your property. If you’re thinking that a good spring clean won’t quite cut it this year, then follow our [...]

3Apr How to stay sane during lockdown

How to stay sane during lockdown

    In these crazy and uncertain times, we need a moment to pause, breath and take stock of what we can and can not control. Watch out for more blogs and videos of how we will be moving our [...]

13Jan Why Wait Till Spring? by Charles Hambley

Why Wait Till Spring? by Charles Hambley

The most frustrating parts of a property sale are usually caused by outside influences and opinions. You’ll find when you decide to buy/sell your home, everyone you know will share their expertise. Dealing with ‘Urban Legends’, the myths, stereotypes and [...]

16Sep So You’re buying your new home…

So You’re buying your new home…

What is important to you? Is it the length of the lease? Is it the location? Is it what the vendor may take or perceived value? Is it predicted an increase in value in an up and coming area? I [...]

30Aug Best Property Yields In London

Best Property Yields In London

Zoopla's latest research shows that Limehouse has the best property investment yields in London. Good thing we have the largest amount of sales stock available in Limehouse!


From the blog

9Aug Ways to avoid gazumping with your property sale or purchase

Ways to avoid gazumping with your property sale or purchase

With the property market heating up, gazumping is becoming all too common as demand outstrips supply. In this article, we explain what gazumping is, and – most importantly – how to avoid it.   What is gazumping? Gazumping is when a seller accepts a higher offer from another buyer after having already accepted one. Between accepting an offer […]


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